A Day In The Life: A Mom, Wife, Blogger, and Tired Human

I’m off work tomorrow and have a lot to do, so I thought it might be a good day to do “a day in the life.” This will be a day in the life of a mom, wife, new blogger, and human being that’s exhausted from a long couple weeks.  I have the day off work, so the plan for tomorrow is to have the maintenance guys come and work on an issue with our windows.  I should be able to get a lot done while they do their thing.  Let’s see if I get a nap.  

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girl on couch with computer

The Night Before

8:30pm Everyone is in bed and I’ve been writing for my blog for the last couple hours. Want to go to sleep, but my brain won’t shut off.  Too many creative juices flowing I suppose.  Not a bad problem to have for someone wanting to start a blog.  Plan to get 10-12 blog posts written out before I start adding things to the blog itself.  We’ll see when it actually goes live.

8:35pm Watching Gilmore Girls as I type this.  Think I’ll send a message to a friend and let her know about all the progress I’ve made. She’s my biggest supporter… no matter how many times I try the same things… she’s always there supporting me. Hope you have a best friend as great as mine!

8:50pm. So, I messaged her, but haven’t heard back… and now I’m getting really tired.  This is how it always works. We’ll be mid conversation and I’ll just stop responding because I fell asleep. I think she knows I don’t mean to do it, but maybe I should talk to her about it. Communication is key!!!  

9pm Just remembered that I’m supposed to be putting a Walmart pickup order through for the morning. Gotta do that now.


smart phone

9:09pm My friend messaged back. We’ll see how long I can stay awake to talk lol. 

9:18 pm Asked her if it bothers her when I fall asleep while we are talking, and then told her I think I’m going to fall asleep soon.  Going to try and sleep now.  

9:38pm. So, I had to get up and go to the kitchen to make my to-do list for tomorrow. Came back and ate some pretzel sticks.  Friend messaged back and said we’re good.  Going to try and sleep again. We’ll see if I can.  

Btw, watching the episode of Gilmore Girls where Rory graduates from HS.  “Those are strings Pinocchio!” I don’t remember a lot of the episode names, but this one stuck with me. Will probably go to sleep after this episode. 

9:50pm Was almost asleep and realized I forgot to take my meds. Had to get up and take them. 

2:40am Guess I finally got some sleep. Woke up to go to the bathroom.  Grabbed half a protein shake and a bel vita bar. So tired.

alarm clock

Morning Time

5:40am Woke up to my alarm clock without hitting snooze. Yay!  Time to make lunches and fill water bottles.  

My youngest was getting headaches at school everyday for over a week.  We had her eyes checked and they were fine, and we found out that she wasn’t eating her sandwich at lunch. So I started making a Jack’s pizza every morning that she doesn’t like the lunch choices so she will actually eat. All that to say, I had to make a pizza this morning for her lunch.

6:00am Time to wake up my youngest.  She is very cranky today. Complaining about me “burning a hole in her eyeballs” with the closet light. Lol. 

6:15am Youngest complains she isn’t feeling well.  She asks for the puke bowl.  Two minutes later she is throwing up. Looks like my day is going to be a little different than I expected. 

someone with a stomachache

6:20 She asked for her reflux medicine (I was planning to have her wait to take it, but she was ready for it now)

6:25am I drank half a protein shake for breakfast.

6:40am. Took the dog outside and then fed him. 

6:55am Said goodbye to my hubby.  Started a load of laundry. Took out the trash. 

7:10am. Youngest asked for breakfast. 

7:25 We drove my oldest daughter to the bus stop so she wouldn’t have to sit in the cold. While there, we saw the maintenance guy. I don’t want him to get sick, so I let him know I have a sick kid and he might want to stay away.

7:45 Drove to Walmart for my pickup order. Came home and unloaded the groceries.

walmart grocery pickup

8:00 While switching laundry, my youngest (who is home sick) tried to get on the computer. I told her no. She got upset.  Apparently I “yelled at her.” I almost never raise my voice, but I raised my voice just a little and said, “Kid, you have no idea what being yelled at is.”  This sent her into a complete meltdown.  Spent the next 10 minutes explaining to her that while sick, she needs to be in bed trying to get better, not sitting at the computer.

8:15 I had to call the school to let them know my daughter won’t be at school today because she was throwing up 

8:20 While starting the next load of laundry, my youngest yells, “I’m gonna puke!” So I run in with the bowl. Have a feeling it’s going to be a long day.

8:30 I sit down and get a chance to type this all out, while eating a fruit roll up.  Probably forgetting something.  Probably not the best day to do this kind of post, but going to try and stick with it. 

8:40 I heated up some Jack in the Box tacos and took my morning meds. Not the most healthy breakfast, but trying to make something quick so  I can get stuff done. My daughter keeps showing me YouTube clips on her phone.  I feel myself getting overwhelmed. 

8:48 My youngest started playing the Stewie “mom, mama, Mommy!” Clip from Family Guy. Does that give you any idea how my day’s going?

8:52 I think I’m going to try and take a nap.  Just kinda feel like it’s going to be a necessity today. 

9:35 I took a little nap.  Kiddo woke me up to make her food.  Going to try to sleep again.

10:05  Got a phone call from my oldest daughter. Something happened at school. She was upset and wanted me to come get her. I asked if she was sick. She said no, but she would tell me when I got there. Had to have the youngest get ready and head to the school to pick up her sister.

car driving

Challenges of Being a Mom

10:20 Got to the school and she wouldn’t tell me what was wrong.  I had her sister get in the car and she told me someone made a rude comment about her clothes during PE and then she was distracted and not playing right so her teammates said they wouldn’t pass her the ball because she doesn’t pay attention.  Poor kid was just having a rough day! 

10:45 Got home and switched the laundry.  Started the last load for the day…. Or at least it’s the last load as of now. It’s hard to remember to type all this stuff out.  Glad I don’t have to do this everyday.  Can’t believe it’s not even 11 yet.

11:25 When I have six loads of laundry to fold like I will have when I’m all done with laundry today, I sometimes break it down and fold one load at a time so I don’t get too overwhelmed.  So, I just folded one load to get started. Still need to put the stuff away, but we’ll get there eventually. 

11:50 Just finished reading some articles on Pinterest about blogging.  Made lunch for one of the kids. Then took the dog out to use the bathroom. Think I might try to get another little nap. 

12:20 Had a PB&J sandwich and read some more articles on Pinterest. 

1:40 Well, I spent quite a while working on research for a post and then started to write it. Then I made a chicken taco and ate that and some pretzel sticks.  Now I’m watching a movie with a kiddo and might take a nap (she’s playing a game on her phone).

someone sleeping on the couch

4:00 Looks like I was able to get a pretty good little nap in. Still super tired.  I think I mentioned at the beginning of this post that the last 3-4 weeks have been super busy. I had a kiddo home sick for a whole week (which is far from a break) and then I was working 5 days a week and Drs appointments an hour away on my off days. I feel like I need to just take a day and just sleep it off, but there’s too much to do. 

4:11 Switched the laundry out of the dryer.  Had my oldest daughter switch the load from the washer to the dryer. Now, I’m going to turn something on the TV and fold some clothes. 

Had one kid get in the shower.  For those with littles, let me just encourage you with this… there will come a day when they can give themselves showers and you can sit and watch tv.  That day may be far in the future, but just know that it is coming. 

5:00 Had a protein shake and then the hubby called. He was on his way home from work.  I updated him on our day so he knows what he’s walking into. 

Then had the other kiddo get in the shower. 

5:22 hubby is driving home in the dark and it’s raining, so we’ve been watching Life 360. What should only take 50 minutes (if there’s no traffic) has already taken an hour and he’s still half an hour away.  He has trouble seeing in the dark and almost hit a deer the other day, so I’m a little nervous.  Thankful that he had the idea to turn on a tracking app for my peace of mind. STL driving is no joke.  Don’t know how you people do it all the time.  It’s definitely not for me. 

traffic at night in the rain

Finishing Up The Day

6:06 Finished folding the laundry, had the kids put theirs away, and I put mine and the hubby’s away. Hubby got home from work and ordered food from the bowling alley and I’m headed up there to get it in just a minute. 

6:46 Picked up dinner, ate, and now watching TV with the fam.

7:50pm Watched TV with the fam for a while, then got everyone ready for bed.  Youngest has had melatonin, her reflux medicine, and her night time inhaler. Now everyone is getting settled. We are watching Best Friends Whenever while winding down.  

I’m so ready for bed. While it was fun writing down everything I did for a whole day, I’m glad I don’t have to do it every day. It’s definitely hard to remember to write everything down as it’s happening. 

8:05 My alarm went off at 8pm to take my night meds.  Taking them 5 minutes late, but still remembering.  

8:10 I got a message from my friend asking how my day was.  We talked for a while before I went to sleep.

So, that’s 24 hours… a full day in my life. If you are a mom, wife, or just a woman who takes care of her home…. I hope this encourages you.  You are not alone in your struggles.  We ALL have endless piles of laundry, times we need a nap, and days that do NOT go as planned.  We are all doing our best. Best wishes, friend! 
